Paris Skyline

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Francais 1: Le restaurant francais

Bonjour, Les eleves!!!

As we are learning all of the vocabulary in Chapter 6, we are going to start on one my favorite things that we will do this year: our "Restaurant Project". There are several steps to this project, and we will spend an entire week of classtime working on it. You may work by yourself, with one partner, or in a group with three people. I suggest that you read the requirements very carefully, plan your steps, and get started!!! This is a great opportunity to showcase your creativity, while learning quite a bit about French culture in regards to food. I can't wait to see what you come up with. Click on the link below to read all of the requirements.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Préparez-vous pour l'examen, les français 2!!

Salut, les élèves!! J'ai un peu de vous aider pour l'examen demain!!

En premier, étudiez le vocabulaire!!! Il y a beaucoup des expressions!!!
Qu'est-ce que c'est en anglais:
une fois
plus tard
souhaiter une bonne nuit
en retard
il est temps de
en premier
tu devrais
après ça
vas être prêt
tu dois
toute de suite

Savez-vous épéllez (spell) les activités???
to take a shower
to wake up
to get dressed
to comb / to brush / to style one's hair
to wash one's hair
to shave
to brush one's teeth
to put make-up on one's self
to dry one's hair

Et pour le paragraphe....Répondez avec l'impératif (command form)
Qu'est-ce que ton père te dit quand tu vas être en retard? Ecrivez 5 phrases.

Etudiez bien!!!
à demain

Monday, February 02, 2009

Le 2 février--Une fête française!!!

Bonjour, les élèves!! J'ai une opportunité de crédit extra pour vous!!!! Lisez:

The 2nd of February is a French holiday. To earn up to 25 points of extra credit you may do the following:

1. Use at least 2 different websites (wikipedia doesn't count) to research this French holiday.
2. Write a paragraph (in English for Levels 1 and 2, en français pour les élèves de trois) of at least 300 words describing what this holiday is, the history of the holiday, and what the French do to celebrate this holiday.
3. Include a Sources list which includes the MLA format for citing websites.
4. Create the dish that the French eat on this day to celebrate this holiday, and email or print pictures of your family or friends eating the dish. (If you choose to omit step 4, you may receive up to 15 points of extra credit.)

To earn the extra credit, the assignment must be submitted by Friday, February 6th. (And, one last thing, your paragraphs should be your own words, it is very easy to see if you have plagiarized!!)