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Les Examens!!!

Bonjour TOUS mes élèves!!!

This is just a reminder that French 1, 2 and 3 all have exams on Tuesday!! Please don't forget to study!!

French 1 - Use your notes and your test review!! Study vocab, how to conjugate -er verbs, definite articles (le, la and les), how to say "to the", and culture!! Use your book to re-read the culture information.

French 2 - Your test covers mainly the Passé Composé. There is some object pronoun info on there. To recheck your answers to the object pronoun section on your review (we ran out of time in 6th hour), here are the answers:
1. Je le vois.
2. Je le vois.
3. Tu le lis.
4. Il ne lui parle pas.
5. Jean l'écrit.
6. Jean lui écrit.
Remember: le, la = it, him /her, but lui = to him or to her. Les = them, but leur = to them!!!

French 3 - Votre examen est de Chapitre 12. Etudies le vocabulaire, les expressions de volonté (comme je préfère, j'exige, j'insiste...), le culture (p. 311-312), les verbes sourire et rire. Vous avez une révision parfait!!!

Bonne chance à tous!!
Please let me know if you have concerns during the 5 minute study time at the beginning of the hour!!!

Qui est Mme Burton?

  • Je m'appelle: Mme Burton
  • J'enseigne dans: Francis Howell Central, Missouri, United States
  • Wow! Year 7 at Francis Howell Central! I am super psyched to have French 1, 2 AND 3 this year.

My profile


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